The 70th Annual Washington State Weed Conference will be offered online and free to the public, announced the Washington Vegetation Management Association and the Washington Invasive Species Council. With this historic partnership between the association and council, the conference has been increased, with two of the four days focused on invasive species and successful approaches […]
OLYMPIA—The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife are reminding boaters to “CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY” their boats and equipment to prevent the spread of invasive species and minimize the time spent at mandatory boat inspections at state borders. “The best way to keep our lakes and rivers clean and free from […]
Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to protecting valuable habitat, Franklin’s words take on a whole new meaning. The Washington Invasive Species Council has received funding to help protect shrub-steppe habitat from noxious weed spread and development. With support from the U.S. Forest […]
Staff of the Washington Invasive Species Council are working remotely to help avoid the possible spread of the coronavirus. Our staff will be checking e-mails and telephone messages regularly. You may find contact information for staff online. We are working to continue normal operations as much as possible. Our employees are very mobile and often […]
OLYMPIA–State, federal, and tribal governments will come together Oct. 23 at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area for the first on-the-ground exercise in the Columbia River basin to prepare for an infestation of quagga and zebra mussels. Invasive quagga and zebra mussels are small, nonnative, freshwater mollusks that have caused significant environmental and economic harm in […]
OLYMPIA – Gov. Jay Inslee has declared the week of Feb. 25th as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington State, noting that everyone has a role to play in stopping more than $137 billion in annual costs from crop damage, loss of fish and damage to forests. In his proclamation, Inslee urges residents to play […]
OLYMPIA–In partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, Gov. Jay Inslee signed a proclamation recognizing the week of February 24 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington State. “We are fortunate to live in a state filled with natural beauty and abundant natural resources,” Inslee said. “To keep it that way, we all must do […]
OLYMPIA–Gov. Bob Ferguson, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed February 24-28 as Washington Invasive Species Awareness Week in solidarity with National Invasive Species Awareness Week. “Invasive species and noxious weeds already are a big problem in Washington and species that have yet to reach our state could pose even greater challenges […]
OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee has proclaimed Feb. 24-28 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington to highlight the importance of managing and preventing invasive species, which pose a $137 billion annual cost in damages to crops, forests, fish and other wildlife nationally. “Our state’s natural habitat and outdoor recreation destinations are part of what make living in Washington so unique,” Inslee said. “Invasive species threaten […]
OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed February 28 through March 4 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington. “We all need to be aware of invasive species and take simple actions to prevent and stop them,” Inslee said. “We have to work together to protect our state from […]
OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed February 26 through March 3 as Washington Invasive Species Awareness Week in solidarity with National Invasive Species Awareness Week. “Invasive species and noxious weeds are already a big problem in Washington and species that have yet to reach our state could pose even greater […]
Invasive Species Awareness Week
OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed the week of February 20 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington in solidarity with National Invasive Species Awareness Week. “Invasive species threaten wildlife as we know it in Washington state,” said Inslee. “We can all help to kick out unwelcome invaders. […]
OLYMPIA–The Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC) and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) invite high school-age artists to participate in an art contest that will help spread the word about not spreading invasive species. Invasive species are plants, animals, and other organisms that don’t naturally live in Washington and, when brought here, can cause […]
OLYMPIA–Govenor Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed February 22 through February 28 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington. Invasive species threaten our economy, environment, recreation opportunities and can even harm our health,” Inslee said. “I’m calling on everyone who loves this state we call home to become aware of […]
OLYMPIA–The Washington Invasive Species Council recognized three top leaders for achievements in managing and preventing the spread of invasive plants and animals at a first-of-its-kind recognition awards ceremony in December. “These are new awards, and they celebrate the contributions of people who are working hard to protect Washington’s rich natural heritage and ensure that non-native […]
The Montana and Washington invasive species councils have joined forces to stop wild pigs from crossing borders. The two councils issued a report with recommendations and best management practices aimed at helping federal, state, provincial and local landowners manage wild pigs in the western United States and Canada. ”Wild pig populations are expanding in the […]
OLYMPIA–The newest member of the team that protects Washington’s waterways from invasive species has quite the ruff routine: Sniff, sit, play! Starting this spring, Puddles, a 2-year-old Jack Russel terrier mix, will use her keen sense of smell to help detect quagga and zebra mussel larvae on boats traveling through mandatory watercraft-inspection stations run by […]
OLYMPIA – Earlier this month, a woman reportedly released two large coolers of live tilapia into Sammamish Lake, a popular location for water sports and hiking. A concerned citizen saw the act and reported it to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Upon following up, four fish were found dead, assumedly due to the […]
Olympia—Throughout August, the Washington Invasive Species Council and the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) are asking the public to take 10 minutes to check trees in their communities for invasive insects. August is the peak time of year that wood-boring insects are most often spotted outside of trees. “State and federal agencies do a […]
OLYMPIA—As summer gets into full swing and people spend more time outside, state and federal officials and local beekeepers hope the public will keep their eyes open and report any sightings of Asian giant hornet. “When it comes to preventing and stopping a new invasive species, we all have a role to play and this […]
OLYMPIA–To help combat the $1.3 billion threat invasive species pose to Washington’s economy every year, the Washington Invasive Species Council is inviting the public to the frontlines of its work by detecting invasive species and reporting them on its newly improved WA Invasives app. The free app enables anyone to report a plant or animal […]
OLYMPIA –The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) invite artists of all ages to participate in an art contest through May 14 as part of the “Don’t Let it Loose” campaign. The campaign explains the dangers of releasing unwanted pets and plants into the wild and highlights other ways […]
OLYMPIA–Calling all artists! The Washington Invasive Species Council invites artists of all ages to participate in an art contest as part of its “Don’t Let it Loose” campaign. The campaign teaches people about the dangers of releasing unwanted pets and plants into the wild and highlights other ways to rehome them. “Most people release their […]
OLYMPIA–The Washington Invasive Species Council, state agencies and researchers are calling for a census in May to help determine the location of Scotch broom throughout the state. “We need everyone’s help to size up the problem,” said Justin Bush, executive coordinator of the Washington Invasive Species Council. “Without baseline information about the location and population […]
OLYMPIA–The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) are asking boaters to “Clean, Drain and Dry” their boats and equipment this boating season to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species and protect Washington’s waterways. “We need your help to protect Washington waters,” said Stephanie Helms, executive coordinator for […]
OLYMPIA–Several state agencies are asking campers and outdoor enthusiasts to not move firewood and instead buy it where they burn it this camping season. The Washington Invasive Species Council, Washington State Department of Natural Resources’ Urban and Community Forestry Program, Washington State Department of Agriculture and Washington State University Extension are strongly encouraging outdoor recreationists […]
OLYMPIA–Washington state agencies are asking people to clean their gear, pets and clothing this spring to prevent invasive plants from establishing here. “Washington offers exciting opportunities to experience nature, attracting visitors from around the world to our parks, forests, trails, wild and scenic rivers, wildlife refuges and more,” said Blain Reeves, chair of the Washington […]
OLYMPIA – Several state agencies are asking the public to take ten minutes this month to check trees in their communities for signs of invasive insects. The Washington Invasive Species Council, Washington State Department of Natural Resources Urban and Community Forestry Program, Washington State Department of Agriculture and Washington State University Extension come together each […]
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC) are asking anyone who has purchased Marimo moss balls from any retailer for their aquarium to inspect the plants for invasive zebra mussels. Previously, the U.S. Geological Survey released a public report of potential invasive mussels detected in […]
OLYMPIA-The Washington Invasive Species Council is asking residents to check trees and swimming pools in their yards for harmful bugs as part of the national Tree Check Month in August. August is the peak time of year to look for invasive bugs and report any species that seem out of place. Trees near home and […]
OLYMPIA–Pests looking to make their homes in Washington’s urban forests may now face a stronger defense, thanks to a new resource released this this month by the state’s Invasive Species Council. The Washington State Urban Forest Pest Readiness Playbook, published in partnership with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), contains guidelines that towns, […]
OLYMPIA–State agencies are asking the public to report an invasive tree called tree-of-heaven throughout October to help prevent the introduction of a harmful insect, the spotted lanternfly. The Washington Invasive Species Council, Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA), Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board and other agencies are asking the public to look in their […]
OLYMPIA – Are invasive species hiding in your trees? State officials ask you to check trees, lights, outdoor equipment and standing water in your yard for harmful bugs as part of National Tree Check Month in August. “August is the ideal time to look for invasive insects and report any species that seem out of […]
SPOKANE–The Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC) and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) invite school-age students to participate in an art contest to help spread the word about not spreading invasive species. Invasive species are plants, animals, and other organisms that don’t naturally live in Washington and, when brought here, can cause economic and environmental harm. Invasive species […]
OLYMPIA–The Fourth of July is one of the busiest times for boating—and for spreading invasive species in rivers, lakes and other water bodies. The Washington Invasive Species Council, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Ecology are asking the public to take simple steps to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive […]
OLYMPIA–Tribal, state and local governments will join forces at Lake Roosevelt this week to combat the spread of northern pike, recently recorded just two dams away from critical Columbia River salmon habitat. The lake’s co-managers at the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Spokane Tribe of Indians and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will […]
The Washington Invasive Species Council approved an updated statewide strategy to prevent invading plants and animals from taking hold in the state’s forests, waters and farms. The strategy calls for a broad range of actions focusing on preventing new species from establishing here, educating the public and rapidly deploying when species are found to prevent […]