State Officials Ask for Public’s Help in Tracking the Invasive Tree-of-Heaven

OLYMPIA–State agencies are asking the public to report an invasive tree called tree-of-heaven throughout October to help prevent the introduction of a harmful insect, the spotted lanternfly. The Washington Invasive Species Council, Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA), Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board and other agencies are asking the public to look in their […]

September 29, 2021
State Officials Ask You to Check Your Trees for Invasive Insects

OLYMPIA – Are invasive species hiding in your trees? State officials ask you to check trees, lights, outdoor equipment and standing water in your yard for harmful bugs as part of National Tree Check Month in August. “August is the ideal time to look for invasive insects and report any species that seem out of […]

July 29, 2021
Public invited to submit art highlighting the dangers of releasing pets and plants into the wild

OLYMPIA –The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) invite artists of all ages to participate in an art contest through May 14 as part of the “Don’t Let it Loose” campaign. The campaign explains the dangers of releasing unwanted pets and plants into the wild and highlights other ways […]

April 19, 2021
State asks public to inspect aquarium moss and prevent movement of invasive mussels

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC) are asking anyone who has purchased Marimo moss balls from any retailer for their aquarium to inspect the plants for invasive zebra mussels. Previously, the U.S. Geological Survey released a public report of potential invasive mussels detected in […]

March 4, 2021
Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington Goes Virtual

OLYMPIA–Govenor Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed February 22 through February 28 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington. Invasive species threaten our economy, environment, recreation opportunities and can even harm our health,” Inslee said. “I’m calling on everyone who loves this state we call home to become aware of […]

February 16, 2021
Washington State Council Updates Statewide Strategy to Prevent Invasive Species

The Washington Invasive Species Council approved an updated statewide strategy to prevent invading plants and animals from taking hold in the state’s forests, waters and farms. The strategy calls for a broad range of actions focusing on preventing new species from establishing here, educating the public and rapidly deploying when species are found to prevent […]

January 27, 2021
COVID-19 Update: Staff Working Remotely

Staff of the Washington Invasive Species Council are working remotely to help avoid the possible spread of the coronavirus. Our staff will be checking e-mails and telephone messages regularly. You may find contact information for staff online. We are working to continue normal operations as much as possible. Our employees are very mobile and often […]

January 21, 2021