Scientific name: Tribulus terrestris What Is It? Puncturevine is a small, typically low-growing annual plant that produces sharp, spine-covered fruits that contain seeds. The fruits split further into five smaller sections that each contain seeds and have two prominent spines and several smaller prickles. It is often found in disturbed areas such as pastures, roadsides, […]
Scientific name: Conium Maculatum What Is It? Poison hemlock is an acutely toxic plant that, if ingested, can kill humans and animals within a few hours. It may be found in a wide range of areas including fields, roadsides, gardens, and trails or in drier parts of the state, near ditches or other sources of […]
Scientific name: Butomus umbellatus What Is It? Flowering rush is a perennial freshwater aquatic plant that grows in lakes, rivers, and wetlands. It spreads quickly through bulbils (small bulb-like structure), and fragments of the rhizomes (a type of underground stem). Is It Here Yet? It is established in the upper Columbia River watershed, the lower […]
Scientific name: Tamarix ramosissima What Is It? Saltcedar is an aggressively invasive shrub or small tree. It typically grows in wet and salty soils. It is native to southern Europe, north Africa, and south Asia, and was introduced to the United States as a garden ornamental. Is It Here Yet? Yes. Saltceder has been documented […]
What Are They? Knapweeds, such as bighead, black, brown, diffuse, meadow, spotted, and vochin knapweeds, are perennials, native to Europe. They grow very aggressively and quickly can infest an area if left unchecked. Are They Here Yet? Yes. Knapweeds are found in various parts of Washington. Why Should I Care? Knapweeds may impair wildlife habitat, […]
Scientific name: Reynoutrica japonica What Is It? Japanese knotweed, an escaped ornamental, is a shrubby perennial that was first introduced in the United States from Asia. It grows very aggressively along roadways, neglected gardens, streambeds, and in moist, wet places. Is It Here Yet? Yes. It can be found throughout Washington. Why Should I Care? […]
Scientific name: Phragmites australis What Is It? Common reed, also known as phragmites, is a large perennial grass or reed with creeping rhizomes. It typically grows in or near wetlands but also may be found in sites that hold water, such as roadside ditches and depressions. Common reed forms dense stands, which include both live […]
Scientific name: Crupina vulgaris What Is It? Crupina is an erect plant that grows to be 1-3 feet tall. It can grow in a wide range of conditions. Dense stands of common crupina can out-compete native plants and decrease foliage for livestock. It is native to southern Europe. Is It Here Yet? Yes, a single […]
Scientific name: Alliaria petiolata What Is It? Garlic mustard is single-stalked plant, which typically grows to about 3 feet tall with small white flowers near the top. It is found in forested areas. Garlic mustard is a shade tolerant, invasive species with the capability to establish in our state. Garlic mustard is difficult to control […]
Scientific name: Pueraria montana var. lobata What Is It? This Asian native first became popular in the southern United States, where it was planted on people’s porches. It now is known commonly as the vine that ate the south. Kudzu is a perennial, trailing vine that can grow up to 1 foot a day and […]
Scientific name: Euphorbia esula What Is It? Leafy spurge is an erect plant with yellow flowers that grows up to 3 feet tall. It can survive in a wide variety of conditions, but spreads most successfully in areas that have been grazed. Leafy spurge can dramatically reduce the livestock carrying capacity on pasture and rangelands. […]
Scientific name: Lythrum salicaria What Is It? Purple loosestrife is a tall, perennial wetland plant with reddish-purple flowers, which may be found in sunny wetlands, wet meadows, river and stream banks, ponds edges, reservoirs, and ditches. It is native to Europe and Asia, and is responsible for a considerable amount of the degradation to wetlands […]
Scientific name: Chondrilla juncea What Is It? Rush skeletonweed is a dandelion-like perennial weed that is native to Eurasia. It thrives in sunny areas with dry, sandy to gravelly soils. Its taproots can grow over 8 feet deep, making it difficult to remove. It can propagate through its numerous seeds, lateral-growing roots that can sprout […]
Scientific name: Cytisus scoparius What Is It? Scotch broom is an upright shrub in the pea family, with yellow flowers. It grows primarily in open, dry meadows and along roads. Scotch broom crowds out native species and negatively impacts wildlife habitat. It is native to Europe. Is It Here Yet? Yes, Scotch broom has been […]
Scientific name: Centaurea solstitialis What Is It? Yellow starthistle is a plant that grows to be 1-3 feet tall, with yellow, thistle-like flowers. It grows in rangeland, edges of cropland, abandoned farmlands and pastures, roadsides, railways, and recreational areas. Yellow starthistle can poison and kill horses. Is It Here Yet? Yes. Yellow starthistle is widespread […]
Scientific name: Buddleia davidii What Is It? The butterfly bush is a perennial, woody shrub with purple flowers. It is a very popular ornamental plant, often found in gardens. It also is common along riverbanks and river gravel bars where it out-competes native plants and alters soil nutrients. Is It Here Yet? Yes. Escaped, invasive […]
Scientific name: Spartina alterniflora What Is It? Spartina species are aquatic grasses that grow on the mudflats and marshes of Puget Sound and coastal estuaries. The plants tend to grow in circular clumps called ‘clones’ and are bright green in color. Smooth cordgrass came to Washington in the late 1800s, either in shipments of oysters […]
Scientific name: Onopordum acanthium What Is It? Scotch thistle was introduced to the United States as an ornamental in the 1800s. It can grow up to 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide, with small pink-purple flowers. It is native to Europe and Asia. Is It Here Yet? Yes, Scotch thistle has been documented in […]