Protect our Water and Land from Feral Swine

Squeal on Pigs! Hotline: 888-268-9219
The states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho are urging you to report feral swine sighting by calling a toll-free, public hotline: 1-888-268-9219. The states use hotline information to quickly respond to a feral swine detection, helping to eradicate and curb the spread of the invasive species.
Download the Squeal on Pigs! App
The app allows you to learn more about feral swine as well as make a report. Available for both iOS and Android. Download here.
Feral swine, or swine not confined in fences, are highly destructive and potentially dangerous animals. Their spread is blamed for an estimated $1.5 billion worth of damage to crops, wildlife, and the environment. These swine may carry more than 30 diseases and parasites that pose a threat to livestock and humans, including swine brucellosis and pseudorabies.

Feral swine tend to forage in areas around rivers and streams, and their trampling and destructive rooting behavior-often compared to rototilling-causes erosion, spread of noxious weeds, loss of crops, and harm to fish habitat. In Washington, they are classified as one of the Invasive Species Council’s 50 priority species.
There are no known established populations in Washington, though individual feral pigs have been reported in the past. In Idaho, biologists have eradicated a small population in the Bruneau Valley and have no known established populations. Oregon officials estimate that as many as 200 feral swine are in the state, most having invaded from California where feral swine exist in 56 of 58 counties.
Early detection and rapid response are the keys to success. Eradicating small populations and minimizing the impacts of these invasive species are important to protect the economy and natural resources of the region. If you see a feral swine, report it immediately.