On April 27, 2023, the Washington Invasive Species Council offered a unique, free opportunity that took a deep dive into the world of gastropods. The 2023 Invasive Snail and Slug Virtual Workshop was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ). Washington State University provided technical and logistical support.

We were fortunate to have speakers from USDA APHIS National Identification Services, USDA APHIS PPQ Montana and Michigan Offices, USDA APHIS PPQ Washington and Alaska Office, State of Florida, Oregon State University, and the Montana Invasive Species Council. These experts discussed pathways of introduction, risks, impacts, and identification. Participants left the workshop with a thorough understanding of invasive gastropods that are already in the Pacific Northwest as well as those that are on the horizon. This workshop was open to a national audience as these pests are an issue across the country and everyone has a role to play in prevention.

Recorded Presentations

Below are links that will take you specific presentations in the YouTube video.