Scientific name: Rubus armeniacus
What Is It?
Native to Asia, the Himalayan blackberry is an evergreen shrub with canes covered in thorns and berries that are edible for humans. It can grow in a variety of environments and often is found along roadsides, riverbanks, parks, and other disturbed areas. Himalayan blackberry shades out smaller, native species, reducing native plant and wildlife diversity. Its extensive stands can decrease usable pasture, limit animals’ access to water, and trap young livestock. Blackberry fruit can be a food source to invasive birds and mammals such as European starlings and rats.
Is It Here Yet?
Yes, it is found throughout Washington.
How Can We Stop It?
Do not purchase, plant, or trade this species. Contact your county noxious weed coordinator.
What Are Its Characteristics?
- Evergreen shrub with canes covered with thorns.
- Bears pinkish-white, five-petaled flowers in clusters and shiny, purple, 1-inch-long berries.
- Leaves are typically composed of five, large oval leaves, which are dark green on the upper side with grayish-green undersides.
How Do I Distinguish It From Native Species?
Native blackberries may be distinguished by their smaller, straighter, thinner thorns and leaves with three leaflets of a similar color on both sides.
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