Washington Invasive Species Council Strategic Plan

The 2020-2025 Washington Invasive Species Council Strategic Plan provides priorities, direction, and formalizes the council’s commitment to invasive species control and prevention.

Spotted Lanternfly Action Plan (2023)

The purpose of this plan is to outline Washington’s readiness and response actions to a spotted lanternfly invasion. The document’s development was led by the Washington Invasive Species Council but was a collaborative effort. Members from agencies and organizations across Washington contributed writing sections and providing expert feedback.

Washington Invasive Species Council Biennial Report

This report summarizes key achievements in the past two years.

Tribal and Municipal Government Invasive Species Capacity and Capabilities Surveys

In 2020, the council worked with Washington State University Extension and the Division of Governmental Studies and Services to develop two studies to better understand how the council and partners might assist communities in their ability to prevent and respond to invasive species. The survey and reports are intended to help understand strengths, identify gaps, form partnerships, and learn more about community needs as they relate to invasive species prevention and response.

Economic Impact of Invasive Species Report

A 2017 report assessed the damages and potential impacts that could result if 23 of the state’s known 200 invasive species were allowed to spread in Washington in a single year without prevention or control measures. The report aimed to help state agencies better understand the cost of invasive species lost in jobs, wages, and business sales.

In terms of lost revenue and jobs, the report found that the state would lose $47.6 million in recreation, $100.5 million in water facilities, $282.9 million in livestock, $297 million in timber, and $589.2 million in crops.

Aquatic Invasive Species Funding Advisory Committee Report and Recommendations

In 2015, the state Legislature tasked the Washington Invasive Species Council with coordinating an advisory committee to develop recommendations for long-term funding to manage and prevent aquatic invasive species in Washington State. This report and its recommendations formed the basis for Senate Bill 5303-2017-18 and House Bill 1429-2017-18. This additional funding to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Invasive Species Unit is critical to the prevention and management of aquatic invasive species in Washington State.

Early Detection and Rapid Response Best Practices

A global review of peer-reviewed publications and government-produced response plans related to invasive species response and management identified best practices for invasive species emergency response. Furthermore, the report provides a framework for any type of invasive species response, which functions as a baseline for responding to unanticipated invasive species or for the development of new species-specific response plans. In addition to the report, a recorded Webinar has been published online.

Part of a response to an invasive species detection might include the development of a multi-agency coordination (MAC) group. Multi-agency coordination occurs whenever personnel from different agencies have legal responsibilities to abate the emergency, jurisdictional authority, and/or critical resources to support the response. This coordination results from the participation of agencies and disciplines involved at any level of an organization working together in a coordinated effort to facilitate decisions for overall emergency response activities, including the sharing of critical resources and the prioritization of incidents.

The Multi-agency Coordination System Guide has been developed to support a greater understanding of the MAC group, provide guidance on development and implementation of a MAC and offer tools and job aids to enhance functions within a MAC.

State Interagency Feral Swine Response Plan

The Washington State Invasive Species Council, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Washington State Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services plan and response strategy to reduce the environmental and economic harm caused by feral swine in Washington State.

A Baseline Assessment of Priority Invasive Species in the Puget Sound Basin: Phase 2

The second phase of the council’s baseline assessment work was completed in January 2014. The project investigated the presence and pathways of spread of 21 additional priority invasive species in the Puget Sound basin.

A Baseline Assessment of Priority Invasive Species in the Puget Sound Basin: Phase 1

This 2011 report summarizes the status and trends of 15 priority species within the Puget Sound basin.

State Noxious Weed Funding Report

A 2007 report reviewed Washington state agency noxious weed control work for the 2005-2007 Biennium.